Testing job candidates in Croatia

Testing job candidates in Croatia

In order to find employment in the oil refining industry in Croatia, from 6 to 8 November 2019 in the training center of JSC “PTEM” was tested practical skills and theoretical knowledge of candidates for employment in the profession – “pipeline” and “welder”.

Pipeline testing program:

  • ability to read isometric drawings on the installation of pipelines;
  • gas cutting of pipes, assembly of details for welding;
  • mechanical stripping of chamfers on details for welding.

Welder testing program:

  • performing welded joints of carbon steel pipe specimens with a diameter of 2.6 inches;
  • non-destructive testing of test specimens by visual and ultrasonic methods.

Testing was performed using welding equipment (“ESAB”, “Fronius”, “Lincoln Electric”) and high-quality welding materials (“Böhler”, “ESAB”) in accordance with the requirements of the Customer, the standard for certification of welders ISO 9606-1 and technological instructions welding (WPS).

Candidates who have confirmed their qualifications have been given the opportunity to work abroad.